Two days of significantly improved weather and voila, three swallows arrived. Always a day to lift the spirits.
Kind: Notes
short content: a post or status update with just plain content and typically without a title
I finished listening to This Changes Everything yesterday. At nearly 21 hours listening its quite the marathon but had I read it instead I suspect I would have struggled to maintain momentum. Not that its difficult to read/listen to, but there is a lot of it.
I felt quite drained today because its so hard hitting. It’s going to take me a while to process but right now it feels like I can’t bury my head in the sand about what we are doing to the planet. I don’t know what that means in terms of what I personally can do, given it’s pretty overwhelming, but I hope I don’t just let it slide.
On Monday we took a trip to the Uffington White Horse area for a walk. Sunny, clear with a cool wind, perfect for walking. Warm enough to have lunch sitting in the sun propped up against a tree. Did a 12K loop taking in Wayland's Smithy, a Neolithic long barrow. Reading about it, I had one of those moments when your perception of historic time suddenly stretches and warps in ways that are unexpected, because by the time the Saxon's gave named it, it was already 4000 years old.
Having lamented the lack of time and good light for doing photography lately, this trip was perfect so I was able to finish another roll so will be developing that soon.
Liked Being time poor | Nimue Brown
“We all need time to ourselves and time for the things that make us happy. We all need rest time and downtime, but not everyone has that, or has enough of it.”