Author: Stephen James

I spotted a robin with nesting material in our shed this morning. I later saw it leaving the nest box we have in there, so I’m pleased to see they are using it. A pair of blue tits checked out another nest box a few weeks ago but it’s a little early for them to start to build yet.

And I’ve yet to see any great tits visit the box they usually use, but that doesn’t mean a thing as we’ve learnt that they can manage to build a nest without us having any idea until they’ve got eggs in there.

The BBC having been promoting changes that come into effect this month on how their podcasts can be accessed.

We are told that we can hear podcasts ’28 days before anyone else, for free, on BBC Sounds.’

This seems to be a completely back-to-front way of saying we will no longer be able to get BBC podcasts on our app of choice when they are published. And not sure what this achieves either.

A question: When writing and later, printing, allowed reading to supersede oral traditions, did people question whether reading was a legitimate way to consume information and stories?

I find myself asking the same sort of question about audiobooks. Does listening to an audiobook count as having read it? There is always a little voice in the back of my mind that asks the question.

In reality, I think it does, particularly given that oral traditions predate reading. And given that I have recently reinstated my membership of our county library, I now have free access to a vast array of audiobooks.

I will record them as having been read, along with printed books and I won’t note which format they were. And that is the end of the matter.

We said goodbye to our old boy yesterday.

So long, my friend, it’s been a good one.


The local authority here in Somerset have taken the highly unusual step to close schools across the county today, in anticipation of the storm.

I can’t help wondering if this is a tad excessive, but equally I am neither a meteorologist or fortune-teller so what do I know. And of course the safety of my son and all the other children comes first.

So, we will all be here at home today, either working or studying.

We may require cake.

I *need* another Raspberry Pi but they are virtually impossible to get hold of at the moment. I assume it’s down to the Big Chip Problem.

I’ve ordered a temp/pressure/humidity sensor as I want to set up a basic weather station. For the time being I will use my one and only Pi until I can get hold of a Pi Zero.

I’ve been doing a lot of Python coding of late but setting up a sensor will be new territory. The aim will then be to have the data fed live to a browser based dashboard such as [ThingSpeak](

Having found a way to [journal that works for me]( is good. Now, my aim is find a way to blog in the manner that I want. I’ve dispensed with the idea of posting about my mental health in the way that I thought I wanted to. I didn’t feel comfortable with that and so ended up rarely posting *anything* relating to anxiety and depression. That is where my journal comes in. Too much time spent trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Along with the things that I currently post, I would like to post about mental health things that I *do* feel comfortable with and longer pieces on whatever particular issues have got me thinking.

And there are lots of things I do think about. It’s just a case of capturing those thoughts, allowing them to distil into something coherent and writing about them while I have the motivation and focus.

Brain > journal > blog. Something like that.

A trip to the vet for our dog today. Just for a check up and to issue a prescription for diazepam to sedate him post-seizure, as and when any further ones occur.

Interestingly, the vet said that because he doesn’t exhibit any behavioural changes between seizures, it is unlikely to be a brain tumour, after all. More likely, the first seizure/stroke caused some damage that is triggering the subsequent seizures.She also said he is quite happy, no sign of depression, neither is he in any pain.

So we continue, a day at a time.

For several months I’ve been journaling much more regularly than in any my previous attempts. As a repository for ideas of my own, or things I come across, it has an immediacy that a blog lacks.

Without the need to create something that others can comprehend it is a sandbox for thoughts and reflections.