Author: Stephen James

I’ve been trying to implement some sort of mindfulness/Stoic contemplation practice in the mornings. The results have been mixed as my mind tends to be all over the place at that time of day.It *can* be a productive time for me as it is often then that I have ideas. But it is also a time when my mind is running over all the things that I need to do. Not a quiet time, mentally. This morning I tried something different. Before doing any contemplation I used the dictation feature on my phone to do a mind dump. Just free-wheeling through anything that was bouncing around in my head. Easier than writing as I often have trouble keeping up with the mental flitting.I think it actually helped.

Four nights camping in west Wales. The first proper break away from home in two years courtesy of The Pandemic. And the first chance to properly test the deluxe shower system.We’d bought this [12v portable shower]( for a camping trip in 2019 that got cancelled. So it got its first testing in ‘the field’ this week. Combined with plenty of water heated on the wood burner and a pop-up shower tent, it worked a treat. With the solar panel and battery to run a chiller and lighting as well, this means we are fully independent and can camp in comfort on very basic sites. I had been looking forward to having a chance to think, read and write on our break. My brain has slowly come to a halt over the last few weeks. Blogging has all but dried up. In the end, I did very little of any of those. I just needed to stop. I read a little. I did the odd crossword. Stared into space. Enjoyed the scenery and *change* of scene. I feel much better for it.

[Sameer Vasta]( has a particularly good list of [things he has learned over the last two months](

Our dog had a seizure last night. Never happened before and distressing to see. Fortunately he seemed to have all his faculties in good order afterwards, other than being exhausted. The vet said the next 24hrs is the crucial period as if he has another it could leave him in a bad way or be fatal. So we are on watch. He has come through the night without anything further and seems to be his usual self. And the vet also said it could just be a one off.So fingers crossed.

Loved the BMX racing at the Olympics. They are all mad as a box of frogs. And two GB medals – Kye White and Bethany Shriever both did brilliantly.

Enjoyed a good thunderstorm this afternoon. Not an ear-splitter but rumbled on for an hour or so. 15mm of rain in about 40 mins.

The effort required to resolve the issue Netlify has with updating my blog must still outweigh the frustration at having to manually deploy an update 2 or 3 times before it does it correctly.Eventually the balance will tip the other way and I will sort it out.

Liked: [Mental illness is a reality – so why does ‘mental health’ get all the attention?](

School finishes at the end of next week and that will be the end of primary school for my son. Part of me wonders where the time has gone but equally I think about just how far he has come.